Support Hub
Welcome to Your Support Hub
Here you will find a wide variety of support you can access, either independently or with help from our staff. This hub is a place for every tenant, regardless of employment status.
To access each section, click on one of the headings below, and you will be redirected to that section of the website. To return to the main menu, click on the Support Hub button at the top of each page. In each section, there will be ways you can access help on your own, or you will be able to connect with a staff member if you need more support.
Mental Health Support | Meet the Team | Tenancy Sustainment Referral Form | Boost Your Income | Universal Credit & Other Benefits
Cost of Living Crisis | Government Support | Hoarding | Budgeting & Help With Outstanding Bills | Illegal Money Lenders | Energy Savings Advice
Food, Furniture & Utility Bills | Ways to Pay | Employment Suppport | Domestic Abuse | Addiction Support
Need Mental Health Support?
Seeking help is the first step toward getting and staying well, but knowing how to start or where to turn can be tricky.
Say Hello to Us
Our Income & Support Team provide help and support for people who are in crisis or who may be struggling with their finances by making reasonable agreements, exploring grant options, and making referrals to external agencies
Tenancy Sustainment Referral Form
If you or someone you know needs support, please complete the form linked below. We will do what we can to help.
Boost Your Income, Reduce Your Bills
This is a guide to help you check that you are receiving everything you are entitled to.
Universal Credit & Other Benefits
Universal Credit is a payment to help with your living costs. Find out more about UC and other benefits here.
Cost of Living Support
Find out what support is available to help with the cost of living. This includes income and disability benefits, bills and allowances, and travel.
Government Support Package
Find out more about what the Government are doing to support households across the UK.
Need Help With Budgeting & Bills?
One of the keys to a successful budget is to make sure it doesn’t just include your typical weekly or monthly spending, but also includes one-off spending, like birthdays and school uniforms that are annual.
Loan Sharks
So many people are affected by loan sharks every year. Fortunately, there are people you can speak to about the struggles you are facing because of them.
Energy Savings Advice
Find out some ways to save energy at home during the cost of living crisis.
Food, Furniture & Utility Bills
Learn about what support is available in your local area here.
How to Pay Your Rent
Here are all the ways you can pay your rent.
Employment Support
Get help finding a new job in different sectors with job search advice.
Domestic Abuse
A list of local and national helplines and support services available to you or anyone you know.
Addiction Support
Facing addiction can be an immensely challenging and isolating journey. We want you to know that you are not alone in this struggle.
Many hoarders feel misunderstood and lonely because they have no one to share their experience with and no one who understands the challenges and impact this can have on day-to-day life.