Executive Management Team
John Ghader
Chief Executive Officer
John has worked in Housing for over 35 years, both within Local Authorities and Housing Associations, and also spent some time working for the Audit Commission and the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA). John is a Fellow of the CIH and has an MBA from Bradford University. As Group CEO, John reports directly to the Prima Group Board and has overall responsibility for delivering the Group’s Corporate Strategy. John has overall responsibility for health and safety.
Ailsa Dunn
Executive Director of Insight & Group Services
Ailsa has worked in housing for over 20 years within local authorities, housing associations and private developers. With a background in ICT, customer care, communications, housing management and performance, Ailsa has led on digital transformation and developing customer-focused services for other housing providers.
As our Executive Director of Insight & Group Services, Ailsa and her team, are delivering on our customer-first approach and working on our digital ambitions, looking where we can make the best use of technology for our customers, staff and properties, as well as keeping us focused on how the business performs and communicating with our customers.
Responsible for our compliance with the Regulator Of Housing’s Consumer Standards and member of the Executive Team responsible for complaints, she works closely with our Board Member responsible for complaints, and Customer Voice Board, to ensure the customer voice is heard across the organisation. She is also responsible for employee and corporate health and safety matters.
Steve Wharton
Executive Director of Housing & Growth
Steve is the Executive Director of Housing & Growth at Prima Group. Steve has worked in both the public and private sectors for over 30 years and has a specialist background in commercial services.
Steve is responsible for the day to day repairs service, annual programmed work and planned investment schemes to keep homes up to date. Steve is the lead for the stock growth of Prima Group, overseeing our new build developments and acquisition of new properties. Responsible for our neighbourhoods, his team look after all aspects of housing management, letting of vacant homes, income collection, support services and community regeneration. He is also responsible for health and safety operationally and compliance.