Everyone In Project

At the start of the pandemic, there was a request from the Government to local councils that they didn't leave anyone sleeping rough. Hotels were used, and extra temporary accommodation was available to try and get everyone in.

All the housing associations in Liverpool, along with the City Council, Crisis and homelessness charities, worked together on what became known as the 'Everyone In' project, directly matching households facing homelessness to all of our available properties.

Over 1000 people were housed as part of the project. Support services and furniture packages were offered to give people the best chance of sustaining their tenancy. The project comes to a close this month. To celebrate what we have achieved by working together, Onward has produced a short film on behalf of all the Liverpool housing associations, highlighting the impact the project has had.


Wavertree Clean-Up Day


Prima Group Named as One of the Top 10 Digital Housing Providers in the UK