Customer Voice Board
Have Your Voice Heard
We are looking for people to join us and help shape our work.
We want to put customers at the heart of everything we do and ensure that customer voices are heard when important decisions are made about the services they receive from us.
Members of the Customer Voice Board don’t need any specialist skills or knowledge - most important is your experience of living in a Prima Group home and being able to take a step back and think about all of our customers.
Why start the Customer Voice Board?
Putting customers and communities first is at the heart of Prima Group’s values and approach to our customers. Hearing the customer's voice, listening to what you think of our services and using your feedback to improve is the best way for us to become a better landlord. The most impactful way customers can get involved with Prima Group is by joining the Customer Voice Board.
Thinking about how Prima Group can put the ‘customer voice’ at the centre of our decision-making and ensure we meet our regulatory and business objectives led us to develop the Customer Voice Board.
The Customer Voice Board will have a key role in ensuring we:
Monitor and meet our service standards.
Deliver on our commitments and promises to all our customers.
Meet our obligations set out by the Regulator of Social Housing and the Housing Ombudsman.
If you're interested in this role, need more information, or want to speak with a staff member, please fill out the contact form on the How to Get Involved page.
Customer Voice Reports
Following valuable feedback from our Customer Voice Board members at the recent CVB Strategy Day, we have updated our reporting approach. These changes focus on how we are performing against the Regulator of Social Housing’s Consumer Standards and Tenancy Satisfaction Measures, ensuring greater clarity and alignment with customer priorities. Read our latest reports below: